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Presentación do Plan Integral de Agricultura Ecolóxica

Presentación do Plan Integral de Agricultura Ecolóxica

O día 14 de febreiro de 2013, presentouse no Pazo de Tor, en Monforte de Lemos, o Plan Integral...

Acto de entrega de diplomas

Acto de entrega de diplomas

O Presidente da Deputación, José Ramón Gómez Besteiro, entregou o 12 de xuño de 2014 os...


  • Components

    Component ImageComponents are larger extensions that produce the major content for your site. Each component has one or more "views" that control how content is displayed. In the Joomla administrator there are additional extensions such as Menus, Redirection, and the extension managers.

  • Modules

    Media ImageModules are small blocks of content that can be displayed in positions on a web page. The menus on this site are displayed in modules. The core of Joomla! includes 24 separate modules ranging from login to search to random images. Each module has a name that starts mod_ but when it displays it has a title. In the descriptions in this section, the titles are the same as the names.

  • Templates

    Media ImageTemplates give your site its look and feel. They determine layout, colours, typefaces, graphics and other aspects of design that make your site unique. Your installation of Joomla comes prepackaged with three front end templates and two backend templates. Help

  • Plugins

    Plugin ImagePlugins are small task oriented extensions that enhance the Joomla! framework. Some are associated with particular extensions and others, such as editors, are used across all of Joomla. Most beginning users do not need to change any of the plugins that install with Joomla. Help

En cumplimiento da LeI Orgánica de Proteción de Datos de Carácter Persoal (LOPD), recordámoslle que os seus datos persoais serán incluidos nunha base de datos de Estudios y Proyectos Rurales, S.L.. e serán protexidos pola mencionada Lei. Vostede pode exercer os dereitos de acceso, cancelación, rectificación e oposición dirixíndose a

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